Cromarty Film Festival 2023

For the first time - in 16 years - an all-female team is leading the Cromarty Film festival. We offered a flavour of things to come with our events on 3rd + 4th December. Now the main activities are taking place from 24th-26th March. To mark the festival's start and end, we’re hosting free projections on Cromarty Lighthouse. The programme has been thoughtfully planned to cater for every age and taste - we’ve got docs, shorts, classics, animation, anime, workshops, talks, brand new films plus a dash of comedic horror to keep everyone alert!

We start off the weekend with a special screening in the Screen Machine for the whole of Cromarty Primary School. We’re delighted to welcome new guests, project partners and festival benefactors on board. Delicious food and food trucks will be available with special offers to link in with certain films.

A short video documenting one of the graffiti workshops held at the Cromarty Film Festival 2023, led by Allana James is shown below. Music by Mark Lyken.

You can also read all about the festival in a special issue of Film Hub Scotland's Gazette.

Steffi + Susan + Wyn + Sabine

With thanks to our funders, sponsors & partners

My mum spent every lockdown alone. As for many older people, this took a toll on her physical and mental health and she hasn’t been away from her house for the past year. The return of the Film Festival gave us something positive to plan for and encouraged her to spend the whole weekend in Cromarty. It gave the family a reason to come together and brought us back some much-needed joy, confidence and wider horizons. I’m sure there are hundreds of stories like it. A huge thank you again to all the team. Julia Amour, Director of Festivals Edinburgh