Film Festival Fringe Events!

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As well as all the wonderful films and workshops within our programme, a couple of other events to alert you to during the weekend are...

Space Ships from the Rubbish Dump - another opportunity to see this remarkable collection of models (first displayed in Cromarty in July 2018), all made from recycled materials by Mark Stevens. Open 10.00 - 17.00 throughout the weekend at the Hugh Miller Institute (library) on Church Street, Cromarty.
The ingenuity and intricacy will take your breath away.

And JV of Cromarty (Janie Verburg) will be opening her studio and offering an amazing 20% discount on all her stunning, hand-made jewellery during Film Fest weekend.  Look for the banners on Bank Street (head towards the harbour).  Open 11.00 - 12.30 and 15.00 - 18.00, Saturday & Sunday.

We really enjoyed the festival and I thought the programme was just great and your wonderful cinema, the Screen Machine and the Lighthouse were such perfect venues. You might be interested to know our economic impact - we ate and drank our way around Cromarty, enjoying meals and drinks in The Royal, Sutor Creek, Cromarty Cafe, The Fishertown Inn and Black Pearl. We loved buying gifts in several of the great shops. I think we probably spent at least £350 locally not including our screening tickets. Festivals are so great for the local economy and I personally will be back for Christmas shopping! Becky Thomson, Film Sound Mixer & Designer