Film Festival Rickshaws At The Ready!

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So... each year at the Cromarty Film Festival we have the wonderful Nigel and his minibus ferrying people around from venue to venue, particularly up the steep hill. However, this year we have something really special to add to that.

From 10am to 4pm each day visitors will also get the opportunity to ride in the Cromarty Film Festival Rickshaws. These are provided by 'Cromarty, Cycling without Age' and are manned (and womened) by local volunteers. They will be based at the Hub during Saturday and Sunday so please feel free to use them and don't forget to compliment the drivers legs!

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Film Festival
My mum spent every lockdown alone. As for many older people, this took a toll on her physical and mental health and she hasn’t been away from her house for the past year. The return of the Film Festival gave us something positive to plan for and encouraged her to spend the whole weekend in Cromarty. It gave the family a reason to come together and brought us back some much-needed joy, confidence and wider horizons. I’m sure there are hundreds of stories like it. A huge thank you again to all the team. Julia Amour, Director of Festivals Edinburgh